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1. What is Assignmentsweb?
Assignmentsweb is one-stop solution for all kind of assignments problem. We have the best online assignment experts, specializing in their respective fields.

2. Why should I opt for Assignmentsweb and not any other online tutoring program?
Assignmentsweb is driven by experts. As it is experts driven, the charges of assignment help are comparatively lower than any other education service providers. We assure that you will get the best quality work at the least price. Second factor is our professional audit team where all the assignments are being scrutinized. Evaluation is done to analyze the Accuracy, Originality, Formatting, Grammatical Mistakes and Spelling Errors.

3. How to submit the assignment at
Students can send us the assignments at or they can simply upload their assignments at the space provided on the left hand side of our website’s homepage, and then click on the “Submit” tab. Once you submit your assignment, you will get response from our education center within next half an hour.

4. What are all the subjects I can get help with?
We help in Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Economics, Accounting, Finance, Statistics, English, Computer Science, Operations Management, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Cost Accounting, Auditing, Income Tax, Operations, HR, Marketing, Law, Philosophy Sociology, etc

5. Who are the experts?
All our experts have Masters or PHD degrees. 40% of them are involved in tutoring or other education services from past 30-40 years in different fields viz, Maths, Science, Economics, Accountancy, etc. 20% of them are industry experts. We, at Assignmentsweb follow our own three level interview system so that we have only the best assignment experts in our education center. First step is the resume screening which is followed by the interview and then, the demo work is being asked from them. After thorough check and assessments, a tutor is certified as an “Expert of Assignmentsweb.” Only the best people are associated with our company so that we can provide you with the best content. We give importance to the quality of work.

6. What is the cost for using Assignmentsweb?
We,Assinmentsweb are student friendly homework help providers. Our cost is very reasonable and affordable. We quote the price after having a thorough check of the assignment. The cost depends upon the difficulty level of the work and the proximity of the deadline involved.

7. What are different methods of making payment and is it safe and secured?
We are PayPal verified assignment experts.. So, you can make the payment via PayPal . You can use your credit/debit card or wire transfer or Western Union to Enroll with us. Yes, it is safe and secured to make the payment from Assignmentsweb. The student can enroll with us confidently.

8. How much time does it takes you to reply for an assignment query?
We provide 24*7 homework support to our clients. So you can expect our response within 15 minutes of your assignment query submission.

9. How much time does it take to complete the assignment?
It all depends upon the kind of assignment, level of assignment and its complexity. Also, it depends upon the student himself. Once the student makes the payment for the assignment, the work is transferred to the best homework expert. So, the sooner the student makes the payment, the early he can expect his homework completion.

10. Will my homework be kept confidential?
Yes, we assure the confidentiality of Student’s homework. We do not solicit any information about our clients. Even your name and name of your institution will be kept anonymous while transferring your homework to the experts or for evaluation.

11. What will be the proof with me that I have made the payment?
Once we receive the payment from the student, we send the confirmation mail to the student notifying that we have received the amount for particular assignment.

12. When and how do I receive communication from Assignmentsweb?
Generally, the communication is done via Phone or Skype or Mail.

13. Whom to contact if I don’t get the work on time?
This will never happen. The student will always get work done from Assignmentsweb within time. Also, the student can track their assignment status anytime from our website. Exceptionally, if it happens that the student’s assignment is getting delayed, the student will receive an official mail from our side with the reason behind the work delay and request for few hours’ extensions depending upon the situation. Even if you have any complaints regarding assignment submission timings, you can mark us mail at You can even get your money back from us.

14. Do you provide the similar assignment solutions to two students?
We never ever provide the same assignment solutions to two students. If we get similar kind of assignment, we assign two different online experts for doing those projects.

15. What if I am not satisfied with your online services?
We guarantee 100% satisfaction to our students and in case you are unsatisfied with solutions provided by our online experts, then we try to make changes in the assignment as per your requirements or we will do the whole project all over again for the student without charging any extra fee or we can even refund total amount of the student, if you demand so.

16. Can I make last time changes in my assignment, if I want?
Yes, the student can order us to make any kind of changes they want to be made in their assignments at any point of time. Your last time changes will be properly addressed. Our online experts will accommodate those changes in the assignment as per your requirements.